
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Wayback Machine Wednesdays

Youtube was created in 2003. This is what it looked like two years later, and a year before it was bought by Google for $1.65 billion.

2005 vs. 2010...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Easy Postcards

Nobody sends hand-written letters anymore; except for inept grandmas who refuse to learn "electronic mail technology." I have, however, sent post cards during my recent vacations (or at least considered doing so because I'm too cheap and lazy). It's easy to do and a nice gesture, a reason why they are still alive at every tourist spot in the world.

Postagram ultra-simplifies (and even improves) postcards. By integrating with Instagram, a picture sharing mobile app, Postagram lets you use a picture you have taken to create a postcard and send it with just a few clicks. The price: $0.99. I'm assuming this pays off for the company. If so, yet another "why-didn't-I-think-of-that" genius idea.

Founded: 2011

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Short And Sweet

twitter ask or answer

Facebook Questions was a pretty good idea. There is no doubt that it has sparked some uneasy conversations in the Google offices as it "threatens to threaten" the search business. Now, as you may have guessed by the company logo the business here is plain and simple: 140 character questions, 140 character answers.

TwitQA provides an online platform for asking/answering questions and delivers them through Twitter. Users can choose a category and find simple to simple questions. This is what should differentiate this site. But they better move fast before Twitter likes the idea too much (and I'm not talking about becoming a fan on their Facebook page).

Founded: 2011

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wayback Machine Wednesdays

Wow, Wednesday again. Well, why don't we watch what happens when we put the New York Knicks website into the Wayback Machine?



Help Me Read Please, Thanks

I don't like Google reader. It does provide me with a nice interface for reading articles from my favorite sites. But I have a lot of favorite sites, and they publish a lot of articles. So if i go three days without the reader I come back to hundreds (if not thousands) of unread articles and it just becomes easier to select what I want straight from the websites.

Summify takes in your information (in my case from Facebook) and uses its very clever algorithms to deliver you stories that you will hopefully enjoy. It does this daily although you can decide how often you want a new set of stores. Just what I've been looking for.

Founded: 2011

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Wayback Machine Wednesdays

If you are tired of startups then just visit the blog on Wednesdays for the new "Wayback Machine Wednesdays" section. Here I will just show how websites have changed over time. Yes, yes, you can just go to the site yourself, but I will hand-pick those that I find the most interesting and serve them to you on a post. Today, lets start with everyone's second favorite soft drink...

1996 vs. 2011

Monday, March 7, 2011

Netflix for Art

Like the title states, the idea of Artsicle is to create a place where pieces of art can be rented out like Netflix movies and, of course, we are not talking about online streaming. Up and coming (NYC) artists can promote their work on this site. And for $50 a month, people can rent a favorite piece and keep it as long as they want, or change it every week if desired. For those who end up loving the art, the site offers the chance to purchase it through them. Great exposure for artists, and a (relatively) cheap way of decorating your walls.

Founded: 2010
Blog: The Artsicle Blog
Twitter: @artsicle

Free Outlets

Xatori Inc., a month-old company created by two Stanford alumni has just created an application in an attempt to cash in from Obama's promise to have one million electric cars by 2015. Well, perhaps not "cash in" since this iPhone app that lets you find places to plug in your Chevy Volt around the city is currently free of charge.

PlugShare is user-generated, so any shop or diner that wants to attract more customers can upload their iformation and become a "power-station" for drivers who forgot to leave their car charging the night before. Add one for cell-phones and I'll become a customer immediately. The application just came out, and it may not be too popular at the moment but the idea is--of course--looking into the future.

Founded: 2011
Twitter: @plugshare

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Blog? Widget!

Iticker is a free toolbar for blogs and websites that lets you easily link them with the social media world. All you need is a twitter account to add the widget. I can describe to you what this application does, but instead I'll just show you: look at the bottom right of this window and check it out yourself. It is very easy to add and it even let's you advertise on your site. So if you don't have a widget like this already, what are you waiting for?

Founded: 2011
Twitter: @itickerapp

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What's Up Doc?

Perhaps you've heard of this one because they started in New York City. And although this health care booking site is already in a few other places (LA being the most recent one), they have just unveiled that they are ready to cover most of the country. ZocDoc is a too-simple-to-be-true website that lets you find same-day dentist or doctor appointments in just one click. All you need to provide is your zip code and insurance company and voilà! A list of available doctors and appointment times comes up and all it takes is one more click to book.

Founded: 2007
Twitter: @zocdoc

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Signing Bonus Without Getting Hired

Think that your friends are a lot more qualified for jobs than you are? No problem. Just refer them to one of the companies looking for candidates at TopProspect and get paid up to $20,000! By connecting your Linkedin account to this website, TopProspect matches your connections (based on their experience and skills) with available job offers and all you have to do is suggest them for the job. If the company ends up hiring your friend, they send you a check ranging from $10,000-$20,000, and believe it or not, they are happy to do it. You wouldn't even imagine how much money is actually spent in the recruiting process (try $8 billion a year).

As a member you can build a reputation for being good at referring people, and that's when the true value of the company comes in. This is because as a business, can you really trust these referrals more than any other resume submission? Some people think so, I don't; probably why TopProspect still isn't taking any cuts from these "referral bonuses."

Funded: 2010
Twitter: @topprospect

Monday, February 14, 2011

Luxury At Your Fingertips

Uber is an application that lets you book a private black car straight from your Apple or Android phone. The app recognizes your location and can send you a car in 5-10 minutes! It's as simple as that. No dealing with money, no need to tip and the best part, the full service costs less than the average black car. The fare is $8.00 (base) + $4.90 (per mile) + $1.25 (idle minute). Even the 5-10 minute can't hurt because Uber lets you track the incoming car via G.P.S. So what's the catch then? The company only operates in San Francisco at the moment. However, TechCrunch reported today that they have just received $11 million in financing valuing them at $60 million. Translation: expect Uber to be coming to your local metropolis very soon.

Founded: 2010
Twitter: @uber

A Million Dollar Idea

Perhaps not a new idea if you have heard of The Million Dollar Homepage. This, however, does not make any less functional. The idea in a nutshell: you can purchase (for $1 a pixel) space on their home page (a.k.a: "the wall") and your company logo, text, or whatever you want to use to represent your business will be displayed on the ad space acquired.

StartupsWall claims to have a team of very good marketers and professional SEO gurus. If this is the case then this is a good way for any new business to market themselves on what could become a good source of traffic (the Million Dollar Homepage gets around 30,000 page views every day!). As for the company founders, this is a simple enough way to make a quick $1,000,000.

Founded: 2011
Twitter: @startupswall

Saturday, February 12, 2011

More Power, More Songs is simple yet clever. When I'm not living in New York City and I actually need to drive a car to get to places, the radio becomes the most essential feature of my journey, followed by the seat belts of course. And thanks to the founders of anybody can now send song requests straight from their phones to any of the local radio stations. Just type the name of any song/artist and this site will give you a list of all of the nearby stations with the option to generate an automatic facebook or twitter song request on their pages. Not bad as long as you do it on a red light. But then again, who isn't an expert at texting while driving?

The site also gives you the option to "like" or "follow" the radio station benefiting everyone involved.

Founded: 2010
Twitter: @spinsfm

Monday, February 7, 2011

Rent Made Simple

I will dedicate my first post to the winner of the challenge; a contest that gave $50,000 (and a free .co domain name) to the company pitch that received the most votes on the site. The winner was Rentcycle. is a website that allows you to search, compare and rent numerous items in a specified location all from one place. This is a very interesting idea since (believe it or not) there weren't many simple sites out there that provided this service. When we think of renting, we usually think of cars, DVD's or apartments. However, in this site you can rent iPhones, textbooks, solar panels for your house, designer dresses, Christmas trees and yes, even pets. So no need to get stuck with an old lifeless dog when you can just keep renting puppies for life.

The company has done a great job at creating a very simple and convenient interface (with maps and lots of images) for users and also businesses who can promote and rent their products from the same location.

Founded: 2009
Facebook: /rentcycle
Twitter: @rentcycle