
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Signing Bonus Without Getting Hired

Think that your friends are a lot more qualified for jobs than you are? No problem. Just refer them to one of the companies looking for candidates at TopProspect and get paid up to $20,000! By connecting your Linkedin account to this website, TopProspect matches your connections (based on their experience and skills) with available job offers and all you have to do is suggest them for the job. If the company ends up hiring your friend, they send you a check ranging from $10,000-$20,000, and believe it or not, they are happy to do it. You wouldn't even imagine how much money is actually spent in the recruiting process (try $8 billion a year).

As a member you can build a reputation for being good at referring people, and that's when the true value of the company comes in. This is because as a business, can you really trust these referrals more than any other resume submission? Some people think so, I don't; probably why TopProspect still isn't taking any cuts from these "referral bonuses."

Funded: 2010
Twitter: @topprospect

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